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The Forgotten Bridge of Acadia
The Forgotten Bridge of Acadia
Written and illustrated by Therese Klotz Marshall
A celebration of community and preserving the beauty of our landmarks. Fully illustrated and featuring many favorite Bar Harbor locations.
Charity Kane lives in a blue and white cottage in Bar Harbor, Maine. On this special summer day, she and her dog Mariah will explore their island home—the shore, Main Street, the village green, the harbor—all by themselves, hoping for adventure. What they find is a huge, beautiful pink-granite bridge with three arches, sadly overgrown and hidden from view. Charity, her father and the townspeople uncover the history of the bridge and clear away the brush to reveal the “Forgotten Bridge of Acadia.”
From author/illustrator Therese Klotz Marshall: When I was a child growing up on Eagle Lake Road in Bar Harbor, Maine, in the 1950s, my family would drive into Acadia National Park up to the top of Cadillac Mountain to look at the view of Frenchmans Bay and the Porcupine Islands. Driving on Route 3 into Bar Harbor, my parents would say, “Look to the right. It’s coming up. Don’t look away or you will miss it. There it is!” We would chime, “I saw it!” We were talking about “Dad’s bridge,” formally known as the Duck Brook Motor Bridge on Paradise Hill Road. My father designed and was construction supervisor for the real “Forgotten Bridge of Acadia,” completed in 1952.
Learn more: click here to read thoughts from author and illustrator Therese Klotz Marshall.
About the author: Therese Klotz Marshall is a graduate of Holy Cross School of Nursing, South Bend, Indiana. She has worked as a registered nurse in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee in pediatrics, surgery, oral surgery, and with orthopedic and neurological work-related injuries. She was the owner, operator, and marketer of a medical and vocational rehabilitation company that serviced Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Her hobbies include genealogy, history (particularly American and WW II history), visiting museums, and many art-related activities, including acrylic painting. She loves to travel and lives in Kentucky with her husband David. She has two children and six grandchildren.
ISBN: 978-0-941238-33-5
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021935688
Publisher: Penobscot Books, A Division of Penobscot Bay Press, Inc.
Publish date: April 2021
Dimensions: 8.5” x 11”
Pages: 38
Features: Full color illustrations
Genre: Children
Printed in the USA by 360 Digital Books, Madison Heights, Michigan