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The Best of K's Kwisine
The Best of K's Kwisine
By Harry Kaiserian
The late Harry Kaiserian of Castine, Maine, was the food columnist for Penobscot Bay Press newspapers for more than 30 years. This collection of recipes—both his own and those collected from friends, neighbors and readers—reflects his favorites from Maine and the rest of the world. Harry’s Navy career and travels in retirement took him to many diverse places where he loved exploring the local cuisine.
Harry was raised on a mixture of Armenian and Turkish cooking. “After growing up on such things as kuftah, pilaf, stuffed grape leaves and baklava, I was surprised,” he said, “to find out that I had eaten gourmet food for most of my life.”
These recipes are the fruits of his exposure to thousands of kitchens and cooks. Harry doesn’t take credit for originating them, preferring instead to attribute the tastes and methods to family, friends and neighbors, and readers. These have stood the “test of taste” and are requested at potluck dinners, family gatherings and wherever good folk gather to eat. Harry’s commentary accompanying each recipe lends an additional piquancy to the book.
Featured recipes on our website:
Bran Muffins à la Jones
Mom’s Sour Cream Coffee Cake
“It always amazes me that love is never listed among the ingredients of a recipe. It is the thing that, more often than not, makes the difference between a good meal and a great meal.”
—Harry Kaiserian
About the author: Harry traveled the world during his 26 years in the U.S. Navy and eventually settled in Castine, Maine with his wife, Berna. He was the former bursar of Maine Maritime Academy. In addition to collecting recipes from neighbors and friends around the planet, he was also trained in Chinese, Indian and Italian cuisines.
Product Details:
The Best of K's Kwisine: A food columnist's favorite recipes from Maine and the rest of the world
By Harry Kaiserian
Illustrator(s): Victoria Sheridan
288 pages full of recipes, tips, anecdotes—all in Harry's style with gusto!
Publisher: Penobscot Books, a division of Penobscot Bay Press, Inc.
Printer: J.S. McCarthy, Augusta Maine
Publish Date: 2001
Edition: First
Features: Soft Cover, Spiral Bound
Dimensions: 6.5" x 9"
Pages: 288
ISBN: 0-941238-11-3
LCCN: 2001097873
Genre: Cookbooks