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Stonington Past and Present
Stonington Past and Present
By the Stonington Centennial Committee
A comprehensive pictorial overview of the Town of Stonington’s first 100 years. Stonington artist Emily Muir’s 1940 painting “Stonington” is reproduced in color on the cover.
Not acid-free paper, so books show slight signs of aging.
Product Details:
Stonington Past and Present: Celebrating its 100th birthday during 1997
By The Centennial Committee of Stonington, Maine, Thurlow Pitts
A pictorial review of Stonington's first 100 years.
Publisher: Penobscot Books, a division of Penobscot Bay Press, Inc.
Printer: Knowlton & McLeary, Farmington, Maine
Publish Date: 1998
Edition: First
Features: Cover art by Emily Muir
Dimensions: 8-1/2"x11"
Pages: 59
Genre: Local History