Enjoy browsing through the variety of books published, produced and distributed by Penobscot Books. We feature books that celebrate our area’s uniqueness and spectacular nature and scenic beauty, including history, memories, cookbooks and children’s books. Also available are 1880s reproduction maps of our area and DVDs featuring Deer Isle and Castine.
Stonington and Deer Isle–Then and Now
Stonington and Deer Isle–Then and Now
By Danny Oliver
Danny Oliver loves this island. He’s lived here all his life and has no desire to leave. Fascinated by island history from an early age, he’s gathered old photographs and taken new ones, and in this book gives us his take on “Then” and “Now” in the two island towns of Stonington and Deer Isle. His interest in local history was first influenced by his great-grandmother, Myrtle Sturdee, and later his father, Clarence Oliver. School teachers Mike Wood, John Lofty and substitute teacher Clayton Gross all contributed their inspiration to Danny’s lifelong interest.
“Danny Oliver has painstakingly researched the rich tapestry of island architecture and maritime life in a unique collection of historic and contemporary photographs.”
—John Lofty
Ask the author: Click here to read a conversation with author Danny Oliver.
About the author: Danny Oliver was born and raised in Stonington and grew up at 16 Granite Street, just down the hill from the Catholic church. As a kid, he was fascinated with the big trucks and boats he could see come and go from his home, and as a consequence became a truck driver and lobster fisherman.
About the photographs: The old photos came from family, friends and the Deer Isle-Stonington Historical Society. Danny says, “I took the new photos myself with help from my daughter, Candace Oliver, who owns Candy Leigh Photography. Much of that work was done in 2014 when the idea for this book first came to me. I tried to take these photos from the same spot as the old photos to get the full effect of how things have changed or, in some cases, haven’t changed.”
ISBN: 978-0-941-238-27-4
LCCN: 2019930658
Format: 9” x 12”, soft cover,
110 pages, 109 photos
Genre: Nonfiction; history; all ages
Printed by Bromar, Skowhegan, Maine, USA