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Maine Lobster ABC
Maine Lobster ABC
By Peter and Connie Roop
Illustrated by Jeremiah Savage
A is for Atlantic Lobster
C is for Claw
H is for Hard Shell
L is for LOBSTER!
Learn all about lobsters and lobstermen, their lore and their gear, in this beautifully illustrated book for both children and adults.
“I just finished reading your lobster book from cover to cover. Nice! Informative! Wonderful! Fun! I can’t wait to read it to my granddaughters and for them to be old enough to read it themselves. It is truly a sweet piece of work. Congratulations on publishing another really great book.”
Peter and Connie Roop are the authors of more than 100 children’s books, including Maine Lighthouse ABC. They put a lot of time into their research for each book, thus providing good information for all ages, along with very silly lobster jokes and a section of “fun facts” about lobsters. Jeremiah Savage illustrated both ABCs. His bold illustrations with vibrant colors and a semi-realistic, cartoony style focus on the diversity and uniqueness of the lobster industry in Maine.
“This ABC will appeal to adults and children alike. A must-read for first time visitors to Maine!”
—Captain Linda Greenlaw
Ask the authors: Click here to read a conversation with authors Peter and Connie Roop.
Ask the illustrator: Click here to read a conversation with illustrator Jeremiah Savage.
Peter and Connie Roop
About the authors: Peter and Connie Roop, award-winning authors and educators, have enjoyed eating lobsters for almost fifty years, beginning with their honeymoon in Maine. The Roops, members of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association, are continually mesmerized by watching lobstering activity from their home in Stonington, Maine, the self-proclaimed Lobster Capital of the World. The Roops have watched lobstering up close and personal many times with lobstering friends. Connie and Peter have written more than 100 children’s books, including Maine Lighthouse ABC (Penobscot Books), Downeast in the Ocean (Downeast), and Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie, A Reading Rainbow Feature Book (Lerner).
About the illustrator: Jeremiah Savage lives in Brooklin, Maine, with his wife, Heather, and son. He is the Creative and Technology Manager at Penobscot Bay Press and was the illustrator for Maine Lighthouse ABC. In his spare time, he does creative endeavors ranging from creating comic books to writing fiction to taking nature photographs of coastal Maine. He has won multiple awards from the Maine Press Association for graphic design, photography, video and web design. Before working for Penobscot Bay Press, he was a Presidential Arts Scholar with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Salem State University.
Jeremiah Savage
Publisher: Penobscot Books, A Division of Penobscot Bay Press, Inc.
Publish date: 2020
Edition: First
Format: 9.5” x 7.75”, soft cover, 68 pages
ISBN: 978-0-241238-32
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020947865
Printed in the USA by 360 Digital Books, Madison Heights, Michigan
Genre: Nonfiction, all ages