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Island Chronicles
Island Chronicles
By Clayton Gross
A well-known local historian and long-time newspaper columnist, Clayton Gross compiled and edited from his columns 14 stirring stories covering shipwrecks, early fishing days, the War of 1812, the America’s Cup sailors from Deer Isle, a local diarist of the mid-1800s, and much more. The details of early life in Stonington and Deer Isle abound. An Amazon reviewer notes, “This is an easy and insightful read, helped along by period illustrations and photographs. Those readers with local connections may even read about an ancestor.”
About the author: A Stonington, Maine, native, the late Clayton Gross was a charter member and past president of the Deer Isle-Stonington Historical Society, taught in Island schools, and wrote a history column for the Island Ad-Vantages newspaper for many years. He strongly believed that knowing local history helps us better identify ourselves with our heritage.
Product Details:
Island Chronicles: Accounts of Days Past in Deer Isle and Stonington
A collection of sea stories from the late Clayton Gross's columns.
Publisher: Penobscot Books, a division of Penobscot Bay Press Inc.
Publish Date: 1977
Edition: First
Pages: 127
Genre: Local History