Fair Winds, Stormy Seas: 50 Years of Maine Maritime Academy — Penobscot Books

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Fair Winds, Stormy Seas: 50 Years of Maine Maritime Academy


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Fair Winds, Stormy Seas: 50 Years of Maine Maritime Academy

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Fair Winds, Stormy Seas: 50 Years of Maine Maritime Academy


By James M. Aldrich

Just two years before the entry of the U.S. into WWII, the first class to attend Maine Maritime Academy arrived in Castine to begin a training program that would lead to a license in the Merchant Marine or a commission in the Navy. Published in 1991, the Academy’s 50th anniversary year, this is the story, in text and photos, of the childhood and rebellious adolescence of a unique institution, which is occasionally its own worst enemy, but more often a national leader in its field.

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About the author: With a doctorate in American History and a stint as Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Maine in Machias, the late Jim Aldrich was well situated to take on the task when he was asked by the Academy to write this history.

Product Details:
Fair Winds, Stormy Seas: 50 years of Maine Maritime Academy
By James M. Aldrich
The history of Maine Maritime Academy from its founding in 1941.
Publisher: Penobscot Books, a division of Penobscot Bay Press Inc.
Printer: Knowlton & McLeary, Farmington, Maine
Publish Date: 1991
Edition: First
Dimensions: 8-1/2"x11"
Pages: 149
ISBN: 0-941238-09-1
Lib. of Congress No.: 91-050653
Genre: College History