Enjoy browsing through the variety of books published, produced and distributed by Penobscot Books. We feature books that celebrate our area’s uniqueness and spectacular nature and scenic beauty, including history, memories, cookbooks and children’s books. Also available are 1880s reproduction maps of our area and DVDs featuring Deer Isle and Castine.
Centennial: A Century of Island Newspapers
Centennial: A Century of Island Newspapers
By James M. Aldrich
This profusely illustrated, coffee-table-size volume covers a century of the history of Deer Isle and surrounding islands as presented by the eight Island newspapers that appeared beginning in 1882 with the Deer Isle Gazette and continuing through to Island Ad-Vantages and the very brief publication of Deer Isle Fisherman. The book features full-size reproductions of newspaper pages with fascinating glimpses into life at the time, from advertisements to the “comings and goings” news items of residents, along with a number of photos. An Amazon reviewer says of the book, “I couldn’t put it down. I was compelled to read every single article, advertisement, etc. It’s a fun coffee table book that’s quite a conversation piece.”
In putting the book together, the late Jim Aldrich read every one of the “5,000-and-some-odd” weekly newspapers, all published on Deer Isle. Aldrich was fascinated by the changes and the continuity he found through reading the news of a century, which he says make a “historical tapestry of varied and vibrant colors.”
Product Details:
Centennial: A century of Island Newspapers
An illustrated history of 100 years of island news.
Publisher: Penobscot Books, a division of Penobscot Bay Press Inc.
Edition: First
Features: Reproductions of actual newspaper pages
Dimensions: 10-3/4"x16"
Pages: 194
ISBN: 0-941238-04-0
Lib. of Congress No.: 85-28488
Genre: Local History